The Amazing power of the Brain,surviving armed robbers and looking for solutions far away-

The Amazing power of the Brain,surviving armed robbers and looking for solutions far away- Ed


Yesterday morning at around 1:00am in the middle of the night, Julie developed strange internal pains, efforts to calm down and prayer for the pain to go away yield no positive results, the pain become more intense and persisted, so we decided to drive from Mayuge,where we had camped back to see our doctor in Jinja. The drive would last about an hour, and we thought it would be without any incident, well, it wasn’t.

On nearing Magamaga area at around 2:00am, I saw a long line up of vehicles had stopped, I thought police had mounted a check point or something, coming closer, we asked what was going on, people told us it was an operation by armed thugs who had blocked all incoming vehicles from Jinja side and Iganga. They blocked the road using two huge trailers. The security forces had tried to repulse them but ‘failed’. If it had been a Kiiza Besiege rally, I doubt if law enforcement fellas would have failed to disperse his supporters, but i guess this is Uganda.

When Julie saw what was going on, her pain immediately ‘disappeared’ and advised that we leave the area. Now see the amazing power of the brain-before reaching this danger area, she was visibly in a lot of pain. On seeing the danger we were in and imagining the harm the thugs could potentially inflict on us, the pain suddenly disappeared.
The extreme fear of an attack from the robber’s temporally took the pain away. Now her brain was no longer focusing on the pain but her safety/security. In our everyday life, what we focus on, is what we get, it’s as simple as that. If we focus on our pains/problems, we will feel them and get them. If we focus on solutions/opportunities in any situation, we will see them.

We have a fully qualified nurse at our school in Mayuge plus a well stocked clinic, but when the illness struck, we somehow ignored our own nurse; ignorantly thinking that maybe she will not be able to manage the illness. Our mind quickly ran to a doctor/nurse in urban Jinja town.

Well, on realizing that we couldn’t go through the armed robber’s blockage,We quickly coiled our tails, turned and drove back to Mayuge,then called our school nurse. Circumstances forced us to go to her.Sometimes in life, circumstances force us to do the right things.She was able to accurately diagnose the problem and gave us the right medications at no cost. I had ignored my own, yet solutions to our health problems lay with my own. Many other Ugandans, just like me,ignorantly think that solutions to our health problems, economic problems, social problems,spiritual problems,political problems, etc lay with people far away.

I see some people in Buwenda village ignoring their beautiful village churches and run to big churches in towns thinking that God resides only in big urban church buildings and miracles only happen there,yet the bible is very clear about that;- 1)God is a spirit and everywhere,John4:24) 2) where 2 or 3 are gathered in his name,Mathew 18:20, he will be there.We run to big towns, we run to foreign countries thinking solutions to our problems are there, yet the solutions are within us,within our localities/people.

Lessons learnt-1) What we focus on is what we get,2) Solutions to our problems lay with us.

Blessings – Edward

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