Life inside Transform – The Leader’s Gathering- Part 4.

transform4Life inside Transform – The Leader’s Gathering- Part 4.

This is the last post of my experiences at The Leader’s Gathering which was held at Worship Harvest Ministries in Nalya Kampala.

I had two teams; one was traveling on their own, while another team traveled with me in the car. We thought about hiring a place to stay for the night in Kampala, may be on airbnb. But on closer look, we discovered that fueling our cars would be far cheaper that a paid night stay in Kampala, good enough we didn’t encounter the usual crazy traffic jams.

On day two, I was invited to attend an early morning pastor’s meeting. There was a lot of sharing which I enjoyed and learnt a lot. We were also encouraged to connect with one another, sometimes our breakthrough could only be a phone call away. And Leader’s Gathering like this present opportunities for establishing new connections, sharing relationships and networking. It’s not easy doing kingdom work alone.

Registration to the Leader’s Gathering was initially at 120,000/= (early bird) then moved to 150,000/=. To some, it may have looked like too much money, but I can assure everyone that it was worth it. And I would like to urge Ugandans to learn to invest in continuous learning. What we put in our heads, is what comes out of us. In much of Uganda, lack of knowledge has contributed so much to the high poverty levels.(Hosea 4:6)

A team from the Fearless Institute in Nairobi attended too. Some members of this team cared for me while I was in Nairobi in June this year, so I invited them to Jinja to visit. Somehow they failed to make it, but if they had come, I would have taken them around including to places like the source of the Nile, Itanda falls,Kyabazinga palace, etc.

Every time I go to a conference, I carry along a note book and take notes so I can capture new ideas learnt. I also try to put in practice new ideas I learn, otherwise I would have wasted my time going. “Break out” was the conference theme.One speaker pointed out that the first place to break out is in our minds. The limitations on us are in our minds! Even the Bible says that as a man thinks, so is he.

Pastor Muriithi told us that everybody has a world view or of philosophy of life.
Africa’s world view is as follows according to Pastor Muriithi.
We feel helpless- That things just happen to us, we blame others, we despise our selves.

I have come across a few Ugandans who believe that the circumstances of our lives are largely dictated by our own decisions, our own behaviors and the choices that we make. Wealth, failure, poverty and good health are created by own our actions/in-actions. We, in effect, create our own destiny.John Maxwell explains it well in his law of Design.

I have also come across many Ugandans who believe that the circumstances of our lives are not determined by us, but by external factors we cannot possibly control. We, in effect, are not in control and powerless over the course of our lives and as such do very little to affect the circumstances of our lives. So we lay the blame on evils spirits of our ancestors, Colonialists, Pastors, politicians, bosses at work, parents, mentors, pastors, the international community, etc.

People with this mentality presume that some invisible forces either from God or from evil ancestral spirits are for some unknown reasons hindering their growth. As such, they run to witchdoctors, who in turn promises to “plead” with evil spirits on their behalf to bless their lives, including giving them Jobs, promotions at work, good marriages, wisdom, etc.Sometimes even ask for riches/wealth without working for it. People in this group also go to unserious pastors and people who claim to be prophets, many of whom also charge exorbitant fees (what they call sowing the seed) to supposedly “plead” with God on their behalf, to bless their lives including giving them riches/wealth without any work or little work. Enticing ‘testimonies’ are shared of how so and so just did nothing besides sowing a ‘big seed’ (read money), then boom!! Boom!!, someone just showed up with large sums of money and gave them. God is somehow reduced to a rewarder of laziness. The truth is, he is not. He only blesses the work of our hands.

Pastor Muriithi told us that to  develop a Godly world view, we need to study the word of God, study our culture and also become thought leaders.

In the afternoon session of day 2, I attend an App facilitated by renowned lawyer, Robert Kirunda on Government Engagement: How to engage movement on policy matters. This is the guy I had been seeing on TV debating policy issues. He shared useful insights on what’s going on in the country. I wish there was a way to attend all the apps, unfortunately there wasn’t.

I could go on and on about this Leader’s Gathering, but I will end these posts. I hope those who didn’t attend can now have a glimpse of what it was all about. I look forward to attending Transform of 2020 and would like to take this opportunity to thank the organizers for doing such a wonderful Job. This was a great opportunity for me to learn and be inspired. I returned to Buwenda village with new ideas and skills that will help bring transformation to this rural village. Iam now a hardened agent of change, ready to continue battling with forces of ignorance, disease,poverty,illiteracy, spiritual suffering,etc that are keeping our people in unnecessary bondage.

Blessings – Edward


  • Zadok Wakooli

    Welcome back I. So far I have learned to be fearless from Nairobi, Breaking through guided by focus and intesity.

  • Chris Kamara

    Go! Go bro.

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