Life inside Transform – The Leader’s Gathering- Part 2.

Transform2Life inside Transform – The Leader’s Gathering- Part 2.

In part 2 of my experiences at The Leader’s Gathering. I still share lessons learnt and what i saw.

Every registered conference participant was given a gift voucher; I redeemed mine with book titled Pieces of me by a one Catherine. I read the entire book in just one day, why? Because I couldn’t get off her powerful story and struggles with child bearing. One of the people I work with is going through almost similar experience. So after reading the book I gave it to her to read it too. By mere reading that book, she felt some comfort in her heart and increase in her hope that one day, by Gods Grace; she too will overcome her struggles with child bearing.

Breakfast and lunch was served at the conference. Everyone was guided on where to park, for those driving.Toilets were clean and flushing all the time.Ushers where spread everywhere, right from the road. They warmly, with smiles, made everyone feel welcome. Some years ago, I used to think that few Ugandans appreciate orderly life, but now I think there is quite a big group. I hope civil servants can catch up this kind attitude. I enjoy being in spaces where people do what they said they would do, without resorting to excuses. It makes my planning easy.

On day 1 of the conference, one of the main speakers was a lady called Eunice Adubango. She studied as an engineer, but it seems Engineering wasn’t her passion. She shared a story of how she struggled with studies and work at the University.University was paying her peanuts and it would take ages for the payments to come in. One day she tried out her passion, which was cooking. All she did was to post on internet that she will conduct a class for all those interested in cooking lessons. Within minutes, the class had sold out.

There is a lot of power and joy in finding our purpose and passion in life, otherwise we will live a life of boredom, and disappointments. And the earlier in life we find our Purpose, values and strategy, the better. Purpose guides our life’s decisions and also helps us endure struggles along our life’s journey.

We should not allow anyone to tell us to study medicine, engineering or any other so-called marketable courses if they don’t align with our life’s purpose/passion and values. Otherwise we will continue seeing nurses slapping their patients at the slightest mistake.

Eunice pointed out how God has gifted Uganda beyond measure, with lots of mineral deposits, good weather and natural resources. And she was right, there is alot of wealth below our soils. There are reports of mineral deposits in Namayingo district,Land in Mafubira sub-country is reported(I have not independently verified it) to be the most fertile land in the world,etc. If we all knew this, we would probably go slow on the habit of running to foreign lands for solutions to our economic,political,health and spiritual problems.The solutions lay with us,not in far away lands.
That’s why its important to attend Leader’s Gatherings like Transform,read books and also have good company to find out these realities.

In Buwenda village here where I stay, South Africans have bought a lot of land on the shores of River Nile. Many came here when they are poor, started Kayaking and Rafting business on the Rile, they are now billionaires. While we yearn to go to South African for Jobs, South Africans are seeing opportunities in rural Ugandan and in Urban Uganda. South African companies like MTN, Multi-choice, Games and others make huge profits every year that is repatriated back to South Africa while we the locals continue to complain that there is no money.

I would like to encourage everyone to find their purpose/passion and align all our life’s activities/decisions with our purpose. It will be a game changer.

Blessings- Edward
Wait for part 3


  • Chris Kamara


  • Rukundo Nicholas Kisembo

    Good morning Edward,
    Thank you for Sharing your Experience at Transform 2019.

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