Prominent Kampala city pastor visits Jinja.

Prominent Kampala city pastor visits Jinja.

A Prominent city pastor today visited and held dialogue with Jinja Pentecostal pastors under their umbrella Organization of Jinja Christian Leaders Fellowship. As usual we were all invited, and I did honor the invitation. The fascination that these guys have for armed body guards and airs of importance amazes me.

Then the self righteous attitude and judgmentalism of some of these guys is sickening to say the least. They are the ones who know who is a false prophet and who has a big portion of Balookole blood in him/her.
At the meeting today, we were told of different false prophets in the country and how we should shun them, and where possible even undermine their credibility on radio for those with radio/TV talk shows. Oooh my.. ooh my …
Many prophets/pastors  were cited, but much emphasis was laid on those who neighbor this Kampala pastor, so its very possible that he has an axis to grid with them. And somehow he is trying to enlist us into his uncalled for, battles, under the pretext of fighting false prophets.

The Bible (Mathew 24:11-27) is very clear about those so-called false prophets; it says that they will arise in the last days. So anyone who thinks that he will curtail their growth or even chase them off the face is the earth may be in for a big shock. Their presence is fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.

I wish we could all re-direct our energies and efforts into positive activities including Loving our enemies, spreading the Love of God, preaching the gospel, Loving one another regardless of our differences, caring for the needy,etc

Over 4 billion people in the whole world have not yet had an opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please lets all reach out to them and stop undermining each other yet the harvest is still very large.

Blessings – Edward

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