Visiting the Jinja agricultural show.

Visiting the Jinja agricultural show.agricultural show

Yesterday I visited the agricultural show, I went to the booth of “Farming God’s way” people.
Guess what I found? A Muzungu teaching us how to grow Matooke, Maize, beans,etc. Now, very few countries in the western world grow Matooke. But somehow these guys come here, learn about the natural strength of Uganda, which is good soils, then work along that area of our strength and reap big.

Jinja has plenty of white people who are engaged in large scale agriculture, while many of us Ugandans want to go to the west for wealth; the western people are running to Africa for economic opportunities that we Ugandans have failed to see. Over 70% of taxes collected in Uganda are paid by foreign owned businesses. Actually out of about 40 million Ugandans,only about 1 million Ugandans pay taxes. So who are the rest depending on ?

Blessings – Edward

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